
American Aldes Ventergy® Series IAQ-DSVS Distributing Supply Ventilator Kits are the best choice to distribute constant, precisely regulated amounts of fresh air to a home when no central forced-air (heating/cooling) system is present. The IAQ-DSVS constantly and efficiently provides fresh air to the home at a precisely regulated low volume.

The integral Constant Airflow Regulators (CAR Classic) guarantee that precise, continuous, low volume airflow is distributed into 2-4 areas of the home to meet code requirements such as ASHRAE 62.2, ENERGY STAR with IAP, LEED for Homes, and California Title 24. The ENERGY STAR rated DSVS100 fan provides silent and efficient supply to multiple areas. The package also includes adjustable supply grilles, universal mounting sleeves and brackets, and a galvanized steel all-weather wall hood.

If a forced air system is present, please see the IAQ-FSVS Kit.

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